Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb 4, 2009 Mike's day

Judy did laundry yesterday at the park laundromat and of course the sock eating leprechauns were out in full force and hungry as a pack of wolves. They never eat a pair of socks, but one of each. Yes, two 0f mine and one of Judy's. So today, thinking that one or more would have been rejected due to wrong color or bad taste, I decided to ride my bike over to the offending ogre and see if he coughed one or more up. No luck. Damn, I hate to wear one black sock and one white one at the same time. It is just too noticeable. Yellow and white or black and dark blue maybe, but not black and white. On the way back on the bike I forgot to put on my sunglasses and seeing the glasses in my shirt pocket I reached for them pulled out my other pair of reading glasses and they went clattering to the road. Applying the brakes so as to not run over them I went head first into a nose dive over the bike. I continued and the bike did not. Yikes! I did a defensive roll as I learned in high school football, only 60 years after I learned it. Well, I'm still alive, but a little bruised and not much hurt but my pride. It was very awkward and I was not a proud athlete. Only a few people saw me and one expressed concern. Life goes on. Hope I can sleep tonite.
On lighter note Judy and I went to a movie at the local flicker and saw Last Chance Harvey with Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. It was very enjoyable. They are two of our faves. It was really a story for people of advanced age with kids of marriage age. A little sad but bitter sweet. Good enuff to recommend.


  1. hey Mike, take care and put the training wheels back on. ha ha..glad you are o.k. Judy, what a nice blog, o.k. you too Mike. nice pictures and daily info. nice to hear about your friends when they are away from you. Just Me..Hal

  2. Glad you weren't hurt. Just bruised the pride a little I suspect. I know about that sock thing. I'm expecting dozens will be found if ever we move our washing machine away from the wall.
