Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mike's thoughts on a changing world

The economy of this country is causing some things to happen that are tragic and funny, of sorts. People have lost jobs, lost families, lost their homes, have nothing to eat or feed their families. That's tragic. They choose to shoplift and home invade. Surfing the net the other day I ran across something tragic and funny, in a way. A man who weighed in at 314 lbs was caught shoplifting just before Christmas in Wyoming at a superstore. When searched he had 8 lbs of bacon, 4 lbs of butter, 12 lbs of sirloin steaks, 6 lbs of bacon wrapped filets, 10 lbs of pork chops, all fitted into pockets sewn inside the back of his pants. Inside his coat they found a coffeemaker, 25 dvd movies, a dozen roses, a folding camp stove and a small tent in a box. He had stuffed a dozen eggs in each sock. He checked out with a cart in the self check-out aisle with a package of chocolate cookies, a pack of gum, and a 6 pack of beer. They suspected something when they observed egg yokes coming out of his pants leg running off his shoes. When they asked him about it, a package of bacon fell out of the back of his pants. Confronted he unloaded all his stash at the security desk. The man pleaded with the management to keep his roses saying they were a Christmas gift for his mother.

Now I know that you are saying that this has nothing to do with Texas, or being on the road with us, but it's thoughts like this and stories like this, make wherever you are real. On a slow boring day what else can you think or be entertained by. This whole story draws a pretty humorous picture. Better than a home invasion.
This blog is my yard away from home. In it I can plant and grow whatever I want. People can come and enjoy the flowers or dogs can bark at me in my own yard. So far, no barking dogs. Hope that all readers are having as good a time as I'm having.


  1. I am!!!! your last paragraph says it all!! Amen. Just me, Hal
